⭐️ best of last week's marketing 7/8/24

plus, a BIG announcement!

this week’s newsletter is sponsored by:

Knowledge Transfer Made Simple

Onboarding new employees can be time-consuming and inefficient.

With 14 | NINETY, streamline the process by providing new team members with easily accessible, recorded knowledge from their predecessors.

Help your new hires quickly get up to speed, reducing the need for endless meetings and accelerating their productivity from day one.

happy monday the 8th!

first off – I have BIG news to share:

marketing on monday is getting a rebrand – meet marketer gems!

the content and voice will stay the same, but with a fresh new look (and new domain!).

so, I have a BIG favor to ask: bear with me as I move you, my wonderful subscriber, over to this new platform.

you should see emails coming from @marketergems.com very soon 😄

alright, here are the gems I've got for you this week:

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top 5 articles

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top 5 apps

featured app

🧠 Cognitive Bias Daily

Learn about a new cognitive bias every day when you open a Chrome tab.

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top bonus

the folks at the Pudding documented how difficult it was to unsubscribe from 16 different services: click here

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I hope you found something useful in this newsletter 💎 if you did, would you give us a shoutout on your social media of choice? 😄

this is how we grow 🌱

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thanks! ✌🏻tom

have a product you want to get in front of 20k+ marketers? sponsor an issue of marketing on monday